Vermont Open Meeting Law
The boards, commissions, and committees of the Town of Northfield, Vermont conduct their work in compliance with the Vermont Open Meeting Law.​ For resources regarding the Open Meeting Law from the Vermont Secretary of State, click here.​ For the complete text of 1 VSA § 310 – 314 (Open Meetings) on the Vermont Legislature’s website, click here. For the complete text of 1 VSA § 314 (the process to allege violation), click here.
If you believe a violation of Vermont Open Meeting Law has occurred, complaints directed to the Town of Northfield must be filed with Town Manager Jeff Schulz by e-mail ( or mailed/delivered to the Northfield Municipal Building, 51 South Main Street, Northfield, VT 05663. A blank form is available below, but you need not fill out this form as long as what you submit contains substantially the same information requested in the form.
Open Meeting Law Violation Complaint Form - Available Here
Upon receipt of the written notice of alleged violation, the Town Manager will respond publicly to the alleged violation within ten (10) calendar days by either acknowledging the violation of this subchapter and stating an intent to cure the violation within fourteen (14) calendar days; or by stating it has been determined that no violation has occurred and that no cure is necessary. Failure to respond to a written notice of alleged violation within ten (10) calendar days will be treated as a denial of the violation for purposes of enforcement of the Open Meeting Law.
Open Meeting Law complaints directed to Vermont’s Attorney General can be sent to:
Vermont Attorney General’s Office
109 State Street, Montpelier, VT 05609
(802) 828-3171
To view videos of recent Northfield municipal meetings, please click here to access the Town of Northfield's YouTube channel.